Liberating Diverse Creativities: The Future of Arts-Based Environmental Education Research


This professional development workshop nurtures liberating creativities, introducing environmental educational (EE) researchers to arts-based educational research. Together we explore justice and empathy, surface and value diversity through multiple ways of knowing, and engage with arts-informed ways of researching. Affirmations, motivations, theoretical lenses, approaches, research examples, and practices are shared to inspire hands-on, interactive infusions and collaborative inquiry. Motivations for this work involve building inclusion and multiple ways of knowing, developing a critical lens, leveraging creativity to build capacity for handling complexity (from the Tbilisi Declaration), and creating brave spaces for research and program design. Theories explored include environmental justice, feminist materialism, Gaian lens, and intersectionality, as well as the approaches of just sustainability arts, socially conscious/engaged art, STEAM, and art as a spiritual practice.


2017 - Liberating Diverse Creativities: The Future of Arts Based Environmental Education Research - 2017 - NAAEE Research Symposium Session and General Conference Interactive Symposium - Hauk Leetch Wood Kippen from Marna Hauk, Ph.D.
