Mobilizing Support

Demonstrating the value and impact of environmental education for all the world to see is no easy feat. With the strength of our members and partners, we provide a voice that asks the world to pay attention - because a cleaner, greener planet can be in our future. Learn how we're talking the talk and walking the walk to support EE! 

NAAEE is developing tools for Affiliates and other partners that will help them to advocate for the field and communicate effectively on behalf of EE and their own organizations. Check back for updated communications and messaging resources, and an EE advocacy toolkit.

Six children hold hands in a line walking towards trees in a field as the sun peeks through the canopy.

The goal of eeWORKS is to demonstrate the impact and value of environmental education by substantiating powerful anecdotes from across the field with empirical evidence and developing communication materials that professionals can use to bolster support and funding for EE.

Sunset over Savannah by Gerry Ellis
Sunset over Savannah Image by Gerry Ellis

NAAEE partners with a variety of countries across the globe to advance environmental education. Read more about these partnerships, including the Global Environmental Education Partnership, a partnership to build capacity in countries around the globe interested in using environmental education as a strategy.

DC Skyline via Shutterstock
DC Skyline via Shutterstock

NAAEE works with Affiliates and other partners to monitor opportunities to shape EE policy, develop strategy for advancing key initiatives, and build capacity within the EE community for advocacy.