
Bird with worm

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Media Inquiries and Contacts

NAAEE has staff and media representatives to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting the environment, nature, education, STEM literacy, conservation, community sustainability, and related issues. Also, NAAEE’s Washington staff can assist with questions on funding, budgeting, and legislative matters that touch on these issues.

NAAEE also is equipped for live and taped broadcast interviews (video, audio, podcasts, etc.). Broadcast interviews can also be conducted via Skype or similar digital media platforms.

To schedule an interview with an NAAEE expert, teacher, researcher, community leader, mentor, or organizer or for any other media inquiries, contact Stacie Pierpoint, Manager of Communications and Engagement at

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All NAAEE trademarks are the exclusive property of NAAEE. Administrative authorization is required for all trademark uses.


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October 7, 2015

NAAEE Board President, Pepe Marcos-Iga writes to NAAEE membership about the role of EE in building community.


October 12, 2015




Terri Mumm

A new wave of game-changing voices in environmental education, an inspiring corporate luminary leading the charge in diversity and inclusion, the connections between environmental education and social justice movements, and the transformative power of story-telling are among the highlights from the 44th annual North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) conference held Oct. 15-18, 2016.


December 21, 2015

NAAEE Executive Director, Judy Braus, expresses appreciation to members and supporters and looks forward to 2016 initiatives including launch of new website.

NAAEE Presented 11 Individuals and Organizations With Awards for Excellence in EE at its 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
NAAEE Presented 11 Individuals and Organizations With Awards for Excellence in EE at its 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), a leader in environmental education, announced 11 hallmark awards, presented to an impressive slate of individuals and organizations from North America and recognizing leadership in the field, during NAAEE’s 44th annual conference in San Diego.

The S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Local Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
The S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Local Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


March 2, 2016


Karen Riley, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Executive Director, 760-861-6479 or

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery - The Art Museum for the Environment, which serves art students in Coachella Valley and Riverside County, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Local Level.

NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Outdoor Afro Founder Rue Mapp with NAAEE's Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award in 2015.
NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Outdoor Afro Founder Rue Mapp with NAAEE's Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award in 2015.


October 18, 2015


Rue Mapp, Outdoor Afro Founder, Rue Mapp, or

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Rue Mapp of Outdoor Afro as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Mapp received the Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award in recognition of her leadership to educate about environmental justice concerns and promote action that addresses these issues at the local, regional, or global levels.


October 18, 2015


The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Dr. Alan Reid, an associate professor of education at Monash University as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Reid received the award for Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE.

Co-founder and Trustee of the Pisces Foundation, Randi Fisher, Receives NAAEE's Award for Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
Co-founder and Trustee of the Pisces Foundation, Randi Fisher, Receives NAAEE's Award for Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015

The North American Association for Environmental Education's (NAAEE) recognized Randi Fisher, co-founder and trustee of the Pisces Foundation, with the award for Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education. One of NAAEE's hallmark honors, the award recognizes an individual who has created systemic change to strengthen the field of environmental education. The award was presented at the opening ceremony of NAAEE's 44th Annual Conference in San Diego.

The Prairie Science Class Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Regional Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
The Prairie Science Class Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Regional Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015


Molly Stoddard, Prairie Wetlands Learning Center Specialist,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized the Prairie Science Class (PSC), as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, The Prairie Science Class received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Regional Level.

The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Affiliate Organization at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Affiliate Organization at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015


Olivia Griset, MEEA President,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized the Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, MEEA received the award for Outstanding NAAEE Affiliate Organization.

California Educator Kay Antunez Receives NAAEE's Highest Honor, the Walter E. Jetske Award, at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
California Educator Kay Antunez Receives NAAEE's Highest Honor, the Walter E. Jetske Award, at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Kay Antunez, a long-time California educator in the field of environmental education, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Antunez received the Walter E. Jeske Award.

Joshua York, Naturalist and Education Supervisor with Five Rivers Metroparks, Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual (Local Level) at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
Joshua York, Naturalist and Education Supervisor with Five Rivers Metroparks, Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual (Local Level) at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015


Joshua York,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Joshua York, a naturalist and education supervisor at Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, Ohio as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, York received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual at the Local Level.
