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Media Inquiries and Contacts

NAAEE has staff and media representatives to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting the environment, nature, education, STEM literacy, conservation, community sustainability, and related issues. Also, NAAEE’s Washington staff can assist with questions on funding, budgeting, and legislative matters that touch on these issues.

NAAEE also is equipped for live and taped broadcast interviews (video, audio, podcasts, etc.). Broadcast interviews can also be conducted via Skype or similar digital media platforms.

To schedule an interview with an NAAEE expert, teacher, researcher, community leader, mentor, or organizer or for any other media inquiries, contact Stacie Pierpoint, Manager of Communications and Engagement at

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Please use official logo files for NAAEE sponsored programs only. The logo is available here for download. 

All NAAEE trademarks are the exclusive property of NAAEE. Administrative authorization is required for all trademark uses.


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Toronto Teacher Nancy Gillis Receives NAAEE's K-12 Educator of the Year Award at the 2015 NAAEE Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
Toronto Teacher Nancy Gillis Receives NAAEE's K-12 Educator of the Year Award at the 2015 NAAEE Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015


Nancy Gillis,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Nancy Gillis, a teacher in the Toronto, Canada School District, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Gillis received The K-12 Educator of the Year Award for her efforts in promoting environmental education and utilizing the environment as a context for learning in her teaching.


October 18, 2015


Kristen Mueller, Earth Force Director of Communications,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) awarded Lisa Bardwell, former president and CEO of Earth Force (, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Bardwell received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual at the Regional Level.

NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Agrium Program Coordinator Lindsey Metheral with the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Global Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.
NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Agrium Program Coordinator Lindsey Metheral with the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Global Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.


October 18, 2015


Lindsey Metheral, Agrium Program Coordinator,

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Agrium, Inc. ( as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Agrium received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Global Level.


December 9, 2015


Sarah Bodor, Director of Policy, 410-991-3340

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) applauds the Senate passage of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act, which replaces No Child Left Behind. The much-anticipated bill includes language that, for the first time, supports opportunities to provide students with environmental education and hands-on, field-based learning experiences. A companion bill overwhelmingly passed the House last week.
