Connections Feed


This TED talk introduces intersectionality--a social application of “a whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Everyone has multiple identities that influence our place in and view of the world. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses her research and current events to describe what happens at the intersections of multiple identities.

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view of tall trees from ground

Anytime someone is not part of an identity group--especially when that identity group is mistreated--they have the opportunity to ally with one or many people who hold that identity. This is an open-source guide to allyship with definitions and examples.

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woman smiling outdoors

Carolyn Finney describes the history of the environmental movement and the part race, representation, and rhetoric play. Media and policies tend to make outdoor activity and spaces seem like white people are the only ones recreating. She shares example after example of African Americans’ historical and current connection to the outdoors.

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Publication, Book
river running over falls

This article focuses on leadership in work environments. How are equity and inclusion vital to EE? How do perspectives of success in that realm differ based on one’s role and identity? For example, some EE leaders focused on “access” while environmental educators of color called for a deeper recognition of systemic oppression.

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Publication, Article/Report
teacher and students looking at laptop at rivers edge

FieldScope is an interactive platform, run by BSCS Science Learning, which allows organizers of field studies to leverage sophisticated graphing and mapping tools to enhance existing and future citizen science projects. Participants of all ages and backgrounds can conveniently upload measurements, observations, and media to a shared project database.

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Two birds sitting on a branch

Hundreds of thousands of people contribute bird observations to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (CLO). Scientists use these data to understand how birds are affected by habitat loss, climate, and environmental changes. These insights inform actions to protect birds and habitats. CLO offers several citizen science projects that work well in educational settings.

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owl in snow

Zooniverse is a large global platform where volunteers can assist many different professional researchers. All projects can be accessed via the internet, making it easy to participate regardless of where you are in the world. Contributors study authentic objects, like videos of animals in natural habitats or specimens from museum collections.

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young man studying leaves in forest

This is a brief post on the Citizen Science Association’s blog. It is designed to highlight how learning is possible through participation in citizen science and to pose questions that encourage the organizers of citizen science projects to consider the many ways they might serve, inspire, and support current and future participants.

Resource Category:

Media, Blogs
man hiking through pacific northwest mountain trail

This research-to-practice toolkit contains research briefs, case studies, and educator resources for facilitating any citizen and community science projects. The resources highlight key practices that support youth in both learning science and becoming agents of change in their lives and communities.

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