Conservation and Environmental Education

Achieving conservation goals through education, communication, social marketing, and ecotourism strategies, including public participation in scientific research and place-based community action

Sessions appropriate to this strand address such topics as:

  • Integrating education strategies into the broader practice of conservation
  • Increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the conservation movement
  • Current research and case studies on behavior change as it relates to conservation education
  • Successful tools, approaches, and educator preparation for bringing citizen science into the classroom and community improvement projects
  • Successful collaborations between conservation educators and practitioners in all settings, from rural to suburban to urban, as well as wild spaces, public lands, and beyond
  • Education strategies for addressing specific issues such as climate change, energy, water, biodiversity, ocean conservation, and food systems 


This ee360 Fellowship project focuses on the launch of a Community Action Program for teen volunteer junior docents at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness, New Hampshire. The Community Action Program partners with local nonprofit organizations to increase volunteer opportunities and extend the reach of teen volunteerism on environmental issues into the community. After volunteering for a project teens share the story of their work with the public through in-person talks and social media. The launch of the program was in 2018.

Environmental Service-Learning (ES-L) has emerged as a promising area of theory, research, and practice, with contributions from the fields of EE and Service-Learning (S-L). In this roundtable, participants will review and discuss contributions from these two fields, both shared and unique, to an evolving conception of ES-L.

Teens worldwide are using their creative voices to inspire awareness and action for our blue planet. Hear how Bow Seat’s Ocean Awareness Contest provides a space for youth—10,000 and counting—to artistically explore environmental issues, and to amplify their voices to advance dialogue and participation in ocean conservation.

Empowering diverse youth and adults towards environmental action is vital to building resilient communities. But, to what degree do citizen environmental efforts in environmental action programs make a collective ecological and community impact? We quantified the impacts of 167 conservation efforts by intergenerational partnerships in UCONN’s Natural Resources Conservation Academy.

Environmental Service-Learning (ES-L) has emerged as a promising area of theory, research, and practice, with contributions from the fields of EE and Service-Learning (S-L). In this roundtable, participants will review and discuss contributions from these two fields, both shared and unique, to an evolving conception of ES-L.

At the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, we are proving that industry and nature can coexist! During this presentation, participants will learn why the SWA Greenway Trail System was created and how we connect place-based environmental education with solid waste management and the importance of conserving natural resources.

Funded by the World Bank Connect4Climate Program, Earth Day Network conducted an assessment of global environmental education programs formally embedded into primary and secondary education school systems. Join us to learn results and best practices to successfully embedding EE into your classrooms.

Aquatic macroinvertebrate keys tend to be rather generic. I’ve created a template to make watershed-specific identification posters and pollution indices. Come get your copy and we’ll go step-by-step through creation of a tool for the critters in your watershed.

Attendees participated in a classic "freeze tag" simulation of predator/prey interactions and reviewed how the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education has woven Project WILD activities such as "Quick-Frozen Critters" into their EE Units of Study, which were developed to help educators better meet the Next Generation Science Standards.

Project WILD - Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

From Lonesome George to rangers in Africa, storytelling is commonly used to connect audiences of all ages to conservation. This session will focus on how to launch a successful conservation writing contest that allows people to use their voices to speak up for voiceless species around the world.

FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center has successfully developed an educational component of the Florida Orchid Restoration program called OrKids. Students engage in learning about the importance of plants in native ecosystems while actively collecting data on orchids they grow in their schools’ botany lab. Lessons learned will be shared.

For 20 years, School of the Wild has provided weeklong wildlife experiences for students in the Iowa City Community School District. Join our panel to hear how we went from an exploratory pilot to a districtwide program serving all students. Let our team’s experience help you grow your programs.