Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC)

eenc.org 2014

Outstanding Affiliate Organization


South Carolina, October 22, 2014 — Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC) was recently recognized by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), a leader in environmental education, as the recipient of NAAEE’s hallmark annual award recognizing leadership in the field.  At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 43rd Annual Conference in Ottawa, EENC was announced as the winner of the Outstanding NAAEE Affiliate Organization Award. 

The Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC) have made numerous strides as an all-volunteer organization in the last few years, to include hosting the NAAEE Conference in 2011, hosting the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA) Conference in 2014 and working with the SEEA to award over 30 mini grants in the southeast states.

 “For more than 43 years, NAAEE has promoted excellence and impact in environmental education thanks to the tireless efforts of our members and affiliate organizations,” said Judy Braus, executive director, NAAEE. “Our award winners represent a pulse check on the latest progress in our field across all categories, from teaching and community engagement to research and environmental justice.”  

This year, nearly a dozen recipients— a mix of individuals and organizations from around the world— were selected across seven categories. For more information about the 2014 NAAEE Awards including eligibility requirements and a full list of winners, visit naaee.net/awards.

About NAAEE 

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) accelerates environmental literacy and civic engagement through innovative education practices and programs. NAAEE supports a network of more than 16,000 educators, researchers, and organizational members working in environmental education across more than 30 countries through direct membership and 54 regional affiliate organizations. Through sponsored community networks, publications and employment development opportunities, NAAEE provides resources for educators, professionals, volunteers, and researchers. NAAEE’s tentpole annual conference, now in its 43rd year, convenes leaders from private and public sectors to advance the field of environmental education. For more information, visit www.naaee.net. 

Press Release

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