Nature Based Education Consortium Manager
The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.
Deadline to Apply:
Monday, June 17, 2019, 11:00pm
Job Category:
Job Type:
The Nature Based Education Consortium (NBEC) seeks a Consortium Manager to undertakethe day-to-day networking, research, writing, and coordination among Consortium partners required for the NBEC to develop and implement a plan to reach its goal of ensuring that ALL young people in Maine have access to outdoor learning opportunities that connect them to the state’s outdoor heritage and natural resources.
Network Manager should be located within Maine, with ability to travel and participate inmeetings with partners at other locations.The Manager’s contract will be managed by a committee of three representatives of the Consortium Steering Committee. The Manager will have access to expertise and practical support through Consortium partner organizations. The Manager will represent the initiative within the bounds of a scope of work, co-developed with and overseen by the Governance Committee of NBEC.Compensation will be competitive and commensurate with experience. 1500 hours, hourly rate in the range of $40 per hour. This is a one-year contract that may extend to future years. Click here For The Full Job Description
How to Apply:
By Monday, June 17, at 11:59 p.m., please send a cover letter and resume with “NBEC Consortium Manager” in the subject line. We arelooking for a thoughtful, personalized cover letter that displays your qualifications, enthusiasm,and communication style. No phone calls, please.