Seeking assistance with free summer program for urban youth | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Seeking assistance with free summer program for urban youth

Greetings all! I serve in the AmeriCorps Environmental Education Corps at Jefferson Memorial Forest and this summer we are launching a new, unique summer-long experience for urban youth through our Louisville ECHO program. The program will run for 8 weeks, beginning June 15th. Each week we will be highlighting a different environmental-based science career and facilitating activities that coordinate with those careers using the online platform Flipgrid. We will be distributing free, weekly boxes of activity materials to participants at several local community centers. The goal of our program is to continue engaging and connecting children with nature while also opening their eyes to their potential to pursue a career in the environmental sciences by providing relatable examples of professionals in the field. We are currently seeking professionals of color who would be willing to make a short video discussing who you are, what you do, what led you to pursue your career, and anything else inspiring and encouraging you’d like to share. If you or someone you know would be interested in this opportunity, please reach out to me at for more details. Thank you!