Outdoor Teaching PD for Middle School Science Teachers in the Chicago Area | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Outdoor Teaching PD for Middle School Science Teachers in the Chicago Area

The IL Nature Notebook Project, a collaboration between the University of Illinois, Illinois Extension, and the Forest Preserves of Cook County are offering 3-day Professional Development opportunities for Middle School science teachers in Cook County, Illinois July 26-28, 2021. Days 1 and 2 will be virtual, Day 3 will be held outdoors at one of the forest preserve sites.

Professional Development will focus on the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices in student-directed outdoor investigations. In addition to a small stipend ($300) and professional development hours, up to 3 field trips for the classes of participating teachers will be supported (bus reimbursement up to $750/school).

For more information, see attached flier.

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