Climate Superstars is an online environmental challenge for middle school classrooms (Grades 6-8) comprised of short educational activities geared toward environmental literacy and energy efficiency.
Classes that complete at least 7 activities (called "tasks") in the month of October (1-31) will be entered into a drawing to win one of six $5,000 e-vouchers for Samsung products like tablets, laptops, and interactive displays to modernize their classrooms.
This year, we've made it even easier for teachers like you to participate and win great prizes. See what's new:
Expanded Eligibility: This year's Challenge is now open to both public and private schools, as well as qualified after-school education programs.
Detailed Alignment with NGSS: Each task now has a detailed explanation of how it aligns with K-12 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
PowerPoint Tasks Available: We’ve prepared PowerPoints of all tasks to make lesson planning easy.
Updated Educator Guide: This year’s Climate Superstars Challenge offers new supplemental material to give each task context, offer lesson suggestions, and provide additional information on subject matter.