The Climate of Now - Watch Terry Tempest Williams Weather Reports | eePRO @ NAAEE

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The Climate of Now - Watch Terry Tempest Williams Weather Reports

In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. ... A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now. —Wangari Mathai

Earlier this fall I began participating in the weekly Weather Reports with one of my favorite living mystics of our time, Terry Tempest Williams. TTW is from the Castle Valley east of Moab Utah and has been an outspoken advocate for public lands and environmental issues in the western United States for many years. Currently she is at Harvard at the School of Divinity. Her prolific writings are among the favorites on my bookshelf; most recently, Erosion: Essays of Undoing really spoke to me.

The weekly Weather Reports of the Climate of Now were framed as a cuppa tea and conversation that began with Brian Kirbis of Theasophia opening each conversation with a tea pouring. They were powerful virtual programs that I encourage others to re-watch over the next few weeks.

Then come back to this post and share any reflections you may have; specifically how might a spiritual approach to environmental topics serve as a methodology for EE practitioners?

Thanks for sharing, Sarah! So far, I've watched "A Burning Testament to Climate Collapse" and "The Climate of Resistance." At first, I was struggling to connect these conversations with how spirituality can inform our EE practice. However, I'm realizing that I really appreciated how both conversations were very honest, and honesty in the wake of terrifying realities like climate change is something that my spirituality allows me to hold without being overcome by fear. In my spiritual practice, I'm learning to be honest with the divine about the fear and anxiety I experience while also holding onto hope that the work being done collectively will lead to transformation. Reflecting on these conversations has helped me give language to this, which I'm very grateful for. I also really appreciated the tea pouring at the beginning of most conversations!

Anyone else have any reflections about these conversations?