Dual/Secondary role as environmental educator | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Dual/Secondary role as environmental educator

Hello, I'm looking for any research that explores zoological professionals who find themselves in a dual role as environmental educators, such as zookeepers who give keeper chats, aquarists who do marine education talks, or marine mammal trainers who do interactive programs with guests. As I have found nothing on the subject, I am open to anything that seems remotely relevant. Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

Kat :)

Hi Kat,
I'm not sure I am getting at your specific request as it relates to dual-roles of zoo and aquaria staff, but I do know of several positions in nonformal education that bridge the land management and/or conservation research and environmental education field. Speaking from experience as a full-time environmental educator, I frequently seek opportunities to conduct research and work side by side with biologists on various conservation research projects because I think there is a great benefit and added credibility to experiencing firsthand biology/ecology sciences.

I do agree that there is little research on the topic as it specifically relates to environmental education, I have heard of "narrative inquiry," or the emphasis of personal experience through sharing of stories, as a construct that has been researched and categorized as a quality of a "good educator." See Connelley, F. and Clandinin, D. (1990) article or search "Stories of Experience and Narrative Inquiry" for more, if you are interested!

I hope this is helpful to you!