Does anyone use Net Promoter Scores | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Does anyone use Net Promoter Scores

Hello folks!
This summer, Mass Audubon would like to start implementing a Net Promoter Score survey for our camps. Are there any other organizations that are using this approach? One of the questions we have is what is the best mechanism to send the survey? I think text would be fantastic but I am not sure that is an option for us yet at this point. Email is also an option but I keep hearing from parents that email is the least preferred way to contact them because of overwhelmed inboxes.
We would love to hear if anyone is using this approach, how the survey is distributed, the response rate and if you are finding the scores helpful.
Thank you!
Michelle Eckman
Director of Curriculum and Evaluation, Mass Audubon

Hi Michelle, this is a great question and YES! We use Net Promoter Score as a metric for all education programming here at WAVE Foundation. We do continue to send these surveys as an email, and we definitely struggled to get responses from camp parents last year. This year I am planning to make a QR code that is given to them at drop-off Friday morning and reminded at pick-up.
I do not struggle as much with teachers, librarians, or other outreach hosts, however. I send that survey out at the end of each month to anyone who hosted an outreach program in the past month. I usually get 50-75% responses. We find this to be a really helpful metric as it is very simple and is a good way to compare to similar institutions and experiences. We modify the wording a bit for each application. So school programs for instance are asked "would you recommend this program to a fellow teacher?"
We are also considering how to use this simple metric to understand student interest in STEM. I think the idea of recommending or wanting to attend a program again can be really indicative of impact.
Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to chat!
-Erin Shultz
Conservation Education Manager
WAVE Foundation at Newport Aquarium

Hello! In my experience running zoo and science camps, actual "customer loyalty" (return rate) and whether or not a parent/guardian would tell others about the camp was ultimately dependent on whether or not the participant (child) themselves wanted to return to the program, even if the parent gave the program a high score during an on site or delayed survey.

Here's what was happening: caregivers and family members were giving scores based on things like ease of registration or how well the camp worked for their work schedule. While this may give you an indication of business growth, it fails to tell you if later on, the child will protest returning to the program or what they will say about it to their friends.

Are you or have you considered surveying your campers with this strategy? Since they are a captured audience, you could easily collect data from them. Implementation would require modification, of course, but wouldn't it be interesting to compare camper loyalty to parent/caregiver loyalty - and exploring why?

Regarding your question of distribution, at least for adults, have you considered a text message survey? Also, perhaps an incentive for response rate, such as 5% off another program or a coupon with a local partner.


Allison - thank you so much for your thoughtful and helpful response! I do wonder how honest the campers would be since they are a captive audience, will they just provide responses we think we want to hear? Maybe or maybe not. It is certainly worth the exploration.
We are certainly hoping to use texting as a mode of disseminating quick surveys.
If we learn some interesting things this summer in comparing parent and child satisfaction, I'll post back here and let you know!
Be well y'all!

Thank you so much for this feedback, Erin! This is so helpful! We have been considering QR codes as well, so it's good to know this is a useful strategy being used in the field.
I will definitely follow up with you if I have more questions - which is highly likely!

Many thanks,

Hi, Michelle! The COVES project (which is building a network of science and art museums who use a consistent measure and protocol for gathering primarily descriptive data on visitors) uses the NPS but couples it with the Overall Visitor Satisfaction measure which is a 10 point scaled single item. Together, it has given a clearer picture (I might not recommend BUT I might have been completely satisfied with my visit is common, especially in the case of these institutions, if I'm from out-of-town, but not always!)

Hi Michelle, thanks for sharing this (several months ago)! I'm not sure if your summer programs are over yet, but I'm curious to know how your evaluating went or is going this summer? What worked well in distributing the survey and how did you decide to survey satisfaction for campers vs adults?