Dear all, Earth Day is on April 22nd, and this entire week, 19-22 is considered EARTH week. This year's theme is 'Investing in our Planet' and more specifically 'accelerating solutions to address our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone.... this discussion thread is about how we can view our children as students, family members, scouts, etc, as a meaningful and sustainable part of the solution. It IS their planet to inherit and my belief is that they are uniquely capable of assessing risk and taking local actions to preserve and protect the environment, such as tree and shrubbery planting and maintenance, learning how to filter and prepare water for safe drinking, mapping school and home grounds for flood or drought related risks and much more.
Earth Week engagement with and for kids
Thanks Donna for this post! Let's share how we engaged students so we all have additional resources to use.
I had my middle school students use an Ecological Footprint Calculator ( We compared our results to those in other countries and discuss ways that each one of us could reduce our ecological footprint. We came up with a list of things we could do in our daily lives. This activity was eye-opening for students and they now feel they can be part of the climate change solution.