Tinkering with using eePRO for an online course | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Tinkering with using eePRO for an online course

There has been discussion in the past about how we might use eePRO to support our work in higher ed (and how we might use our work in higher ed to support eePRO). I'm currently teaching an online course with Kendra Liddicoat at UW-Stevens Point called Urban Environmental Education. We thought we'd try out funneling one of our online discussions to eePRO. If you are curious, you can take a look at the EE in Urban Settings group for posts from our students. We created the online discussion in our university's online course management system, just linking directly to the discussion thread I started in eePRO. It's just for the week and all we asked was for our students to post once so as not to overwhelm other eePRO users. If you have any feedback, let us know here!
Take care,