Submit a chapter for a book: Cultivating a Scientific Mindset in the Age of Inference | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Submit a chapter for a book: Cultivating a Scientific Mindset in the Age of Inference

Dear Colleagues,

We are soliciting proposals for chapters to be included in an edited book with the working title:

“Cultivating a Scientific Mindset in the Age of Inference”

Guidelines for Chapter Proposals are found in the document (PDF) attached to this email.

Please consider submitting a chapter proposal and/or distributing this solicitation to your colleagues / membership. In particular, there is a space for place-based, experiential, and/or environmental education chapters as these practices help to nurture scientific thinking and data sense-making.

Proposals should be submitted via email to by September 1, 2019.

Thank you for your support.


Science Teacher Education, Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences

Geology, Applied Geophysics, Science Education

Educational Statistics, Research Design, Science Education, Assessment & Evaluation

Philip Short, Ph.D.

Director of the Jack Hunt STEM Center

Assistant Professor of Science Education


Austin Peay State University

Eriksson College of Education

P.O. Box 4545

Clarksville, TN 37044

Office: 931-221-7513


Harvey Henson, Ph.D.

Interim Director, Stem Education Research Center
Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction And Geology


Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

College of Education and Human Services

625 Wham Drive, Mail Code: 4610

Carbondale, IL 62901

Office: 618-453-4214


John R. McConnell III, PhD

Associate Dean of Assessment and Accreditation

Associate Professor of Educational Research & Statistics


Austin Peay State University

Eriksson College of Education

601 College Street

Clarksville, TN 37044

Office: 931-221-7757