I'm looking for some reading suggestions for an upcoming training program I'm co-developing with the River Management Society. I need some pre-workshop readings and/or videos for the participants that touch on best practices for adult learning and innovative training techniques. I'm guessing you may have an idea or two. Might you have any of your suggestions you could share by next Wednesday, August 8th?
Here's the participant profile - mostly government agency river managers from the four big public land agencies; these folks are participating in a train the trainer workshop where they are expecting to learn how to be better trainers/facilitators/educators pedagogically. They are not typically trainers but are content experts who will be conducting workshops and who would like to offer more innovative effective workshops.
I'm co-developing this train the trainer River Training Center instructor training and am contributing to the success with lots of innovative, good education practices built into the program from the beginning, throughout the upcoming workshop, and into the 2019 Center's calendar. Yet, I don't have a list of short readings/videos to offer the participants on the how and why behind my teaching style (instead I have years of experience and tidbits from oodles of books and workshops I've attended). Its an exciting project to be part of.
Thanks for sending me any references or suggestions by next Wednesday!
Thank you, thank you!