I am wondering about your thoughts on the moral and political diversity within EE in Higher Education.
In the social sciences a recent Behavior and Brain Sciences article (linked below) describes:
"Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity – particularly diversity of viewpoints – for enhancing creativity, discovery, and problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diversity is lacking in academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular: political diversity."
In general, it seems reasonable that we would welcome and encourage a good deal of moral/political diversity within NAEE and Higher Ed EE. However, It strikes me as reasonably objectionable to not want to cultivate, for example, a coalition of NAEE Higher Ed members that actively advance climate change denialist tactics, but if that kind of political diversity is bad, and political diversity is good in general - how do we deal with this?
Are there any current or historic measurements of moral / political diversity amongst NAEE members? (see e.g. YourMorals.org)
How can we expand moral and political diversity without wavering on values of scientific rigor and environmental health?
Is the psychology and socio-anthropology of moral/political belief a topic in the EE curriculum? should it be?
Review article on lack of diversity in social sciences
YourMorals.org - we could set up a group account and survey our moral diversity?