I've had teacher educators ask, "How do I teach my secondary methods classes how to integrate EE into physics and chemistry classes?" Because I don't teach high school physics or chemistry, I thought I'd reach out to a practicing teacher who does AND who includes EE.
If this is of interest to you, please join Nick Gagnon, a physics teacher at Chippewa Falls High School, for a Zoom discussion this Friday from 1-2pm CST. This will be a casual online meeting that will allow for discussion and sharing. I will send along the Zoom link as soon as I have it.
Take care,
Integrating EE in high school physics and chemistry classes
If you are interested and able to join us on Friday from 1-2pm CST, here's the Zoom link:
Rachael Lancor is also planning to join in and share about her work with preservice teachers. She is an Associate Professor in Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience at Edgewood College in Madison, WI.
Becca, do you mind recording your Friday zoom meeting and then emailing it to me? - hope you're well! thanks a bunch.
I'd love to hear a recording of the zoom meeting as well.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for your interest. I was able to record the meeting. Please let me know if the link doesn't work!
Take care,