Help Draft Water Literacy Framework Document | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Help Draft Water Literacy Framework Document

Be a part of the development of a Water Literacy Framework Document, similar to the Earth Science Literacy, Ocean Science Literacy documents comprised of "big ideas and supporting concepts." Such a framework can guide educators, curriculum developers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to work towards a populace where every American understands the basics of water, and is empowered, skilled, and motivated to take action to ensure a sustainable water future. In this workshop panelists will review water literacy research, discuss Project WET's water literacy curriculum and describe best practices in literacy framework development. Participants will contribute to group discussions to brainstorm key ideas that should be included in the Water Literacy Framework and will plan future steps to make this document a reality.
Monday, July 13 at 1pm MST

We'll be referring to previously created Earth Science literacy documents, Guidelines for Excellence, and other tools as we develop this new framework.

Attendees must register for the Earth Educator Rendezvous at

I would be interested in helping. I worked many, many years with a water management in Florida and have also been with Project WET for many years. Let me know how I can help. Eileen Tramontana

I'd also be interested in joining the conversation. When I clicked to the link it didn't show how to sign up. Are you able to share registration information.

This may seem a bit harsh, but ... While I would be interested in helping with the discussion as a WET State Coordinator... there is no way that I could or would be willing to pay $200 for the day for a 2.5-hour virtual learning opportunity. In this current time of fiscal constraints on top of COVID-stay-at-home times, that is just too steep to ask even those of us in the gov't world. Let alone the reality of virtual learning & best practices being a max of 90 minutes to have actual attention and learning going on, even for adults. I'm sorry. Let us know if anything changes that would allow more discourse and participation with this project.

Yes Betsy, I appreciate your perspective and feedback. Here's a bit of backgroung: this project was born out of a meeting at SERC (Science Education Resource Center) in October 2019. The group organically came together at the meeting, and decided the next step was to re-conveene at SERC's annual conference, the Earth Educator Rendezvous to take next steps (baby steps at this point). The intent is that the project does not live within any one institution, and instead using the SERC platform provides an advantage and equity that being a part of an institution might not, particularly at this point as we’re working to expand the net of participation and validate everyone’s contributions. I do understand the cost for the conference can be prohibitive. Do know this is only the beginning of this process. And if you'd like to be included in the future part, we're collecting a list of all interested people with this form: We plan to stay organized using the SERC/NAGT online infrastructure. I hope this explaniation is helpful. Reach out privately through an email at info @ if I can be of any more help. - Sarah