I am a teacher St St Macartan's in Mornington, Australia and will be attending the NAEE Conference in October.I am keen to visit some of your elementary schools which have a sustainability/ green focus. My school has been built on a sustainability platform and I would like to form a sister school relationship with a school in the U.S. I would love to hear from any teachers who are interested.
Hi Carmela,
I am hosting a panel discussion at NAAEE featuring some of our Wisconsin Green & Healthy Schools. I am sure that some of these teachers would love to connect with you! I will spread the word!
Recognizing Excellence in EE and Green Schools: Wisconsin US-ED GRS Panel
"Green Schools" are not defined by facilities. Comprehensive green schools reduce environmental impact, improve health, and increase environmental and sustainability literacy. The movement has proven effective to increase EE in PK-12. Join Wisconsin U.S. ED Green Ribbon School honorees to learn how green & healthy initiatives inspire environmental education.
Presenter: Stefan Anderson, Conserve School
Presenter: Debra Weitzel, MCPASD
Presenter: Joann Kasper, Fox River Academy
Presenter: Amy Callies, Middleton Cross Plains Area School District
Hi Susan,
My email address is carmelat@smmornington.catholic.edu.au.
I really would like to organise visits to schools/ teacher network meetings prior to my visit to the conference. I would appreciate any contacts.
Hi Carmela-I am an elementary school teacher in the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District. We currently are a Green Ribbon School District and 2 of our elementary schools and the High school have received the Green Ribbon. My School (Park Elementary) is located 30-35 minutes West of the Monona Terrace Convention Center. I will be teaching M, T, W of the conference week if you would like to arrange a visit. Amy Callies
Hi Amy,
Thanks you for your response.I am very excited that you are happy to have me visit. My colleague and I would also be happy to present to your staff. Do you have meetings after school/ before school? My ultimate goal would be for our students to communicate about what each school is doing. My school has been built on a sustainability platform.would you kindly forward email details so that I can contact you directly?
Can't wait to hear back from you,
Hi Victoria,
Have been unsuccessful in trying to finalize a school tour or an opportunity to present at a school staff meeting so far. Are you able to schedule any opportunities for me? I would really like a commitment from schools before we book our flights. My colleague and I would like to meet teachers outside the conference time frame. Perhaps some schools would be happy to have us visit October 20, 21, 24, 25 or 26? I would really appreciate some assistance.
Hi Susan,
Would like to meet with you and visit your school. Are you available to meet prior to the conference. My colleague and I would like to present to your staff. Would you be happy to accommodate this request. We would like to finalise arrangements before booking our conference days this week. What do you think?
Hi Amy,
That's fine . We were expecting to present at a staff meeting of some sort. Are we able to visit while the children are there to watch how your school operates? We would love a tour. My goal would be for our children to interact in some way. I look forward to hearing your principal's decision.
Do you know of any other schools which may be interested?