Favorite Nature Preschool Curriculum? | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Favorite Nature Preschool Curriculum?

Hello! What are your favorite activities and curricula for nature preschools? Free and/or online resources are very welcomed!

Good question! A few ideas:
I know some schools have adapted the Creative Curriculum to make it more nature-focused.

Also, Shelburne Farms has a curriculum guide called Cultivating Joy and Wonder at http://www.shelburnefarms.org/node/531.

Also, we have lots of resources (including curriculum) at naturalstart.org under the resources tab!

Thanks very much! I hadn't seen the Shelburne Farms book before.

Most of the resources I've found have been books for purchase, which I'm looking to avoid (though I understand, of course, why the authors would have it set up that way!). I'm hoping to find digital resources, ideally at little to no cost.