EE and Teacher-student relationships | eePRO @ NAAEE

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EE and Teacher-student relationships

I am in the thick of creating a presentation about the positives of EE in a social justice context for a education and social justice conference. With that background, I'm looking for any research regarding the effects of EE on student-teacher relationships. I have plenty of anecdotal evidence from personal experience, but I'd love some research to back it up. Any resources you'd be willing to share?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Kirsten-

Professor Anne Stephens at the University of California, Davis, states that her dissertation might be of value to you. It is copyrighted and available online....she jus requests it be properly cited if used:

Developing Environmental Action Competence in High School Students: Examining the California Partnership Academy Model

Stephens, Anne Kinney. University of California, Davis, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2015. 3706687.

She weaves in the connection of EE to positive youth development, and her lit review will have further research documentation that may be of benefit to you. She is a great resource person and welcomes you to contact her...

Anne Stephens, Assistant Professor
Department of Science Education
Director, Inland Northern California Science Project
Center for Mathematics and Science Education