Request for resources: Logic Models for Behavior Change | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Request for resources: Logic Models for Behavior Change

I am looking for some example Logic Models for behaviour change, particularly in youth climate change programs - but any would be helpful.

thank you!

These may or may not be directly helpful, but they were items from my literature review that came to mind in response to your question:
*Common Logic Model: Tri-Agency Collaboration for Climate Change Education

*Green Building Literacy: A Framework for Advancing Green Building Education- Laura B. Cole
“a toolbox of conceptual frameworks for educators interested in using a system-based approach to teach about green buildings as sites for complex interactions between human activity and Earth systems”- my work focuses on using the school building to inspire/enact energy use behavior change
*Students for Sustainable Energy: Inspiring students to tackle energy projects in their school and community- Regina Toolin and Anne Watson
Examples of renewable energy projects

*Urban 5th Graders Conceptions during a Place-Based Inquiry Unit on Watersheds- Anna Henderson Endreny
Model of lesson on watersheds and arguments/strategies for place-based learning to explore environmental topics
*The Theory of Planned Behavior – Icek Ajzen (from Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)
More of a theoretical framework than a logic model but used in many environmental studies to design behavior change projects