Interactive webinar about creating an economy better for people and the planet | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Interactive webinar about creating an economy better for people and the planet

The Center for Biological Diversity, Break Free From Plastic and the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network are partnering to hold a free interactive webinar on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET about creating an economy that’s better for people and the planet.

The solidarity economy is a growing global movement committed to building an economy grounded in the values of solidarity, sustainability, participatory democracy, equity and recognizing diverse needs that require more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Many existing practices that align with these values, such as cooperatives, the commons, participatory budgeting, community land trusts and public banking, are examples of a solidarity economy.

Emily Kawano, founder and co-coordinator of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, will present an overview of the solidarity economy before facilitating interactive breakout rooms where participants will have the opportunity to discuss various environmental examples such as composting cooperatives, sharing systems and community gardens. An optional 30-minutes will be provided at the end for formal Q&A and a small group visioning session.

A certificate will be provided to attendees to allow for submission to continuing education certification programs. The event will be recorded and the recording will include translations and closed captions.

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