EE curriculum alterations per audience | eePRO @ NAAEE

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EE curriculum alterations per audience

Hello. I am a non-formal educator conducting workshops for Population Education ( At the end of doing an activity with formal or non-formal educators I try to ask things of the audience to help them picture using the activity with their students or constituents. I know that tweaks will need to be made based on the location, age of participants, resources and time available. etc. I like to ask “How would you alter this activity for your classroom?” Or “When and how would you use this activity?” How do other curriculum trainers engage with their participants to make sure the activities will be useful for the audience after the workshop?

I like asking the participants to self-organize into small groups by grade(s) taught, geography, sector, or whatever descriptor most influences how they'll be teaching whatever it is I'm presenting. Then they can draw inspiration from their peers and capture it in their notes or a protocol/organizer that I provide.

I'm curious to know what others do!