Now that proposal acceptance letters have gone out for the annual conference, please use this thread to tell others about your conservation and behavior change session details (description, date and time) so that we can start planning our agendas. Also, please note if you are willing to share your presentation with others, after the conference, for those that can't attend.
Conservation and Behavior Change sessions at the annual 2020 conference
I did a quick search of the conference agenda and compiled the behavior change sessions below. Please reply to this thread if I missed something.
Systems Thinking for Sustainability - Mon, Oct 5 at noon
Understanding systems thinking and sustainability are two central aims of many environmental education programs. Yet, can they be the center points of a skills-oriented approach to environmental education? This session will describe the case of an undergraduate course and pedagogical model that uses systems thinking and sustainability towards these goals.
Blah, Blah, Blah Behavior Change - Wed, Oct 14 at noon
Conservation behavior and action are generally well-accepted in our field but seldom truly understood. We will discuss some of the common pitfalls in behavior messaging and use a "hackathon" approach to co-create solutions based on known effective practices.
Communicating Climate Science: Tools to Bridge Research and Practice - Wed, Oct 14 at noon
Communicating climate science comes with many challenges. With rising eco-anxiety amidst a climate crisis, how are we building positive change? In this hands-on presentation, we will facilitate a conversation about equity and justice in climate science education and seek feedback on the tools we are co-developing with researchers and practitioners.
You may find others by doing a search for "change" in the conference program. If so, please post a reply.
Ran across your post and thought I might do a plug for my graduate research team's poster at the conference's poster gallery. Feel free to stop by and send me feedback regarding this up and coming work. Thanks!
Title: Electricity Usage Dashboards: Driving Classroom Energy Conservation with Data
Description: Electricity has been described as an invisible commodity. Individuals are often not aware of their electricity usage and its environmental impacts. When engaging classrooms with their school's electricity data through a real-time dashboard-centered contest, which supplementary activities provide motivation to adopt energy conservation behaviors in their school and beyond?