HI, I am by no means an expert and can only comment on what we do here at our home. I will say, that after moving every 2-3 years and needing to create a new system each time, I have found a few things that work for us. BUT the key is to try a few things to see what works for you/them. It may take a few tries before you find the perfect system. I learned that the more complicated the system the harder it is to maintain and keep my family engaged with- so keep it simple.
Indoor Collection: We keep a stainless steel stockpot, with a lid, under the sink for scraps and dump when full. Because it is lidded and inside a cupboard, the bugs we attract are minimal and since it is small and we empty often it doesn't sit around long enough to stink.
Outdoor compost pile: In the past, I have used the drilled hole Rubbermaid tub, purchased premade black bins, and also taken to a store that composts. My current system is a 3 sided box make of pallets, lined with chicken wire and removable slats in the front to help keep it contained as the pile gets taller.
(similar to link photo but with pallet sides)
Adding to: We try to maintain a 1/3 green (food scraps and fresh grass cuttings) and 2/3 browns (shredded papers, leaves, cardboard boxes, sticks, etc.) ratio of materials. But in reality, we just add some browns after a few dumps of the bucket. I have a garbage can with a lid where we store our browns until we need them. Then we occasionally stir to mix it up.
Rules: I don't allow animal products in the compost. No fats, oils, dairy, or meat (maybe a few bits and bobs of egg or cheese when we scrape the plates but nothing major). As those types of food scraps attract bigger critters. It also slows down the decomposition process.
There are lots, TONS, of resources out there on composting how-tos and best practices. I hope you find what works for you. The bottom line is to just start. Every little bit counts.