Outdoor Equipment | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Outdoor Equipment

Hi, all!

Outside Magazine put out an article (linked below) on Eddie Bauer's new online rental service for outdoor equipment. I thought it was a pretty great new resource, and I thought even better would be a thread on resources for attaining outdoor equipment on the cheap!

Some of my resources are:
-REI rentals
-University rentals (but of course only accessible to university students)

Any other services you've utilized?

Ooh, this is a great resource thread!
Thrift stores: My go to places are my local thrift stores, but it helps that I live in an outdoorsy community in Alaska. I don't remember ever seeing bunny boots in any LA establishments.

Outdoor gear library: I've been reading about volunteer-led outdoor gear libraries. I think they're a great idea. I haven't had the chance to visit one though.

Pro Deals: I've sometimes used Pro Deals, but it's a lengthy process to apply and qualify.

And lastly, swapping and/or borrowing gear from neighbors and friends :)

We recently partnered with a new company (https://www.whaleofatrail.com/offerings/#carriers) that is renting out baby carriers, we did a "try it on the trail" type of program where families could come and try on the packs, I led a short hike, and then if they were interested they could rent the pack from here that day. People really liked the concept, and I think she's planning to expand to more gear as she grows her business. Living in a rural area there are limited options for people to get used gear, so this is a great resource for those with little ones wanting to get out.