Opportunity and Resources to share with secondary students and educators | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Opportunity and Resources to share with secondary students and educators

Please share with your colleagues and your students.
Opportunities for Climate Solutions and Green Careers
Join Change the Chamber*Lobby for Climate and the Climate Action Campaign for a workshop that goes beyond climate doom and gloom. Learn about climate solutions, get expert tips on pursuing a green career or a summer job, and discover how to create and implement climate solutions. April 19th, 7:30 pm eastern time. Registration link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/opportunities-for-climate-solutions-and...
Social media posts you can share - https://twitter.com/LobbyForClimate/status/1507412498781282311?s=20&t=nD...
Facebook - https://fb.watch/ceVJ11G_IR/

Also see a new Environmental Changemakers Toolkit for Students - https://www.changethechamber.org/how-to-be-an-environmental-changemaker