NGSS Design Challenge for Urban Sea Level Rise? | eePRO @ NAAEE

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NGSS Design Challenge for Urban Sea Level Rise?

Hi Stephanie,
I just launched a project to collaboratively develop high school curriculum (NGSS aligned) that engages students in addressing sea level rise issues in their own communities. We're in Maine (rural and urban coastlines). Happy to chat if you'd like to learn more.

Hello there, I'm in New York City and we're working with 6 middle and high schools to engage students in coastal Brooklyn in creating more resilient schools and communities using a novel NGSS aligned curriculum that was designed for our NOAA-funded program called The Resilient Schools Consortium (RiSC) (see As part of the curriculum, students use a variety of digital tools including NOAA's Sea Level Rise Viewer (, the NYC Oasis Map ( and a custom-designed Vulnerability Assessment to understand their schools and communities' vulnerability to coastal flooding from storm surge and sea level rise, among other things. If you're interested in access to the curriculum, which is still in the pilot stage, please email me at Thanks, Emily Fano (National Wildlife Federation)