Homeschooling about climate change | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Homeschooling about climate change

Hi, Bill -- 3 quick points (before I turn my attention to my long list...):
1. I don't know where you are located, but I prefer NOT to use UK resources for U.S. K-12 students because they end up using metric units and that produces another variable making understanding of climate change less accessible for U.S. students. I did notice that you have links to respected sources like NASA and National Geographic -- and that made me think you are on the right track, but do not have time to check all of your links.
2. Having said that, I think the main points you hit are good ones and appreciate your work to reach out to this important audience.
3. For students in middle school and up, I think an important part of climate change education that could be well handled from home is Media Literacy. Kids (and parents) need to work on skills for consuming info in the press and from e-sources. One of the sources that I most respect in this arena is the Stanford History Education Group and their Civic Online Reasoning curriculum. The SHEG curriculum is freely available to all at But, that may be a separate/next article.

I appreciate your sharing your work and asking for reviews of it ! That's one function of this group that I think is underutilized. If we all took the time to do as you have done, I think we'd all benefit! THANK YOU.

Hi Karen - thanks for the feedback! I'm actually based in the UK where I'm working on a PhD (but I also help with the NAAEE website, which started when I was living in Vermont). In addition to the different units, the UK has a very different education system, which can limit how transferable teaching resources are, but there is also variability across the different parts of the UK (similar to the variety across states and school districts). The media literacy resource looks very interesting - I will check that out!

Thanks for the article! I would say to do things that are fun but relevant to Climate change. There are many activities that are nature and stem based out there that are kid friendly but teach an important lesson about climate change