Create Climate Change Education proposals with colleagues for the 2016 NAAEE Conference | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Create Climate Change Education proposals with colleagues for the 2016 NAAEE Conference

A couple of us have been wondering whether there are any of the folks in this Climate Change Education Group who would like to join with a group of us to conceptualize and submit this month a proposal for a session at the October 19 – 22 NAAEE Conference in Madison, WI. We could submit proposals for a:
* Workshop ?
* Symposium ?
* Hands-On Session ?
* Round Table ?
To read a bit more about the details of each of these kinds of sessions, go to

Think about what you have to share with others and what you’d like to work on with other EEducators working on climate change education – and let all of us know by posting a message on this discussion thread! For example, we could
* gather a group of all those who have been using story-telling, kick off with some exemplars, and generate ideas for dynamite ways to share stories and fund such initiatives – both for those who have experience using stories and those who want to start!
* pool the kinds of assessment or program evaluation tools you’ve been using to learn about the climate change understandings or the perceptions of solutions that your program participants have!
* or … do whatever strikes a chord for you…
Help us generate lots of creative, thought-provoking ideas for sessions and find others who’d like to partner in organizing the kind of session that you’d like to participate in!
All you need to do is click on “reply” and type in your thoughts and questions. Please let us hear from you!

Hi Karen!

I'm definitely interested in joining the group for whatever format we decide! My research and project-work at Cornell currently focuses on climate change communication in environmental education. I'm submitting a poster session proposal for the research symposium but am keen for other opportunities to learn from others!

Depending on how many people are interested, we might get too many people for a round table? I think a hands-on workshop would be best. I like the format you suggested for the story-telling!



I like your idea of a RoundTable ! That could enable lots of us to get together and share our interests, experiences, learn from and get to know each other. What do you think we should call it? ... Would you prefer a wide-open: Come share your experiences about climate change education? ...or would you prefer something more specific?

I like the idea of collaboratively sharing about climate change education. I have submitted a workshop proposal based on the work of our Pacific Islands Climate Change Education Partnership (PCEP) so I cannot be part of a collaborative workshop proposal. I can join another type of proposal if it sufficiently matches what I can meaningfully contribute.

Thanks to all of you for your posts! So far, we've got 3 proposals for conference sessions in the works from this Climate Change Education Group:
1. A Symposium/Panel proposal on Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education featuring storytelling in programs with people in Minnesota, New England, Alaska, and the Pacific Islands -- an exciting, culturally diverse mix of people and programs. This proposal is already completed.
2. A "hands-on" proposal that will (as I understand it) be working on building the skills & techniques for getting community members to contribute their stories. This proposal should be finalized early next week.
3. A "RoundTable" session proposal at which members of this group can share what they've been doing with colleagues.
If you are interested in participating in one of these session proposals that is still "under construction", please send directly to me: an e-mail with 3 short paragraphs:
1. your audience(s) and how you reach them 2. your primary objective(s) -- what you aim to get from the audience in response to your programs/projects (no matter whether you use storytelling or other means in your EE) 3. how your project is funded, any partners you have, & how long you've been at it.
I'll do my best to link you with others who are drafting joint proposals.
Time is short, so please reply asap! It's going to be fun to get together, meet each other and learn about all you are doing in Madison!