COP23 + climate change education and research | eePRO @ NAAEE

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COP23 + climate change education and research

Education Day (16 November) at the 2017 UN climate change conference in Bonn (6 - 17
November 2017) sees the launch of a Virtual Special Issue of the journal, Environmental
Education Research, focused on climate change education research.

As a taster of the launch event and a stimulus for engaging with the papers in the Virtual Special
Issue, Alan Reid has prepared a series of key questions about climate change education and
research, hosted on Visit the link to access the papers and questions, and to read the Virtual Special Issue for free.

Running the gamut of why climate change education has emerged, where to look for critical
analysis of practice, progress and new directions, and what research and researchers have
to offer debates about capacity building, awareness, participation and action strategies
discussed at COP23, the papers in the VSI and Alan’s questions are a timely and provocative
call to reflection and action about climate change and education.

Please use this space to join the conversation about COP23 and climate change education! Or visit, and #COP23education

Hi Alan:

I have lots of thoughts about your climate change educatino questions based on our decade of experience with climate literacy in and beyond the USA. It might be fun to have a dialogue sometime via Skype or Google Hangout to further explore these questions. When we developed the Climate Literacy framework starting in 2005 we explicitly stayed about from "climate change education" and opted for "climate literacy", which we defined simply as "understanding how climate influences us and how we influence climate". Also worth further exploring, as we started to do at the forum outside Vancouver in September, how climate literacy overlaps with traditional EE, Earth Ed, outdoor/experiential ed, ESD, and Environmental and Sustainability Education.

We are still looking for opportunities to establish a secretariat office for ECOS (the UNFCCC community for Education, Communication and Outreach Stakeholders) if you or others have any ideas!