Hi Everyone,
The NNOCCI Network (www.nnocci.org) has found from our evaluation that we are fostering a sense of hope among our participants, their close associates (colleagues, friends, family). Now we’re trying something new, to try to amplify that impact and to point to specific opportunities where people can join with existing efforts to foster change that:
Starts productive, empowering conversations about climate change and how every one of us can play a role to prevent and prepare for it.
Increases energy efficiency
Helps transform our energy systems from being fossil fuel based to being powered by clean energy.
Hope and a sense of belonging are important. They are more powerful drivers of engagement than facts in many cases. So, we think promoting hopefulness while pointing to positive ongoing efforts is strategy worth using to move more people from being quietly and privately concerned to being engaged with groups focusing on issues of climate mitigation, adaptation and justice.
Our new effort – the first of its kind for us – started last Saturday. We invite and encourage you to support it and to share with your networks to encourage it to spread.
We’re using the hashtag #100HopefulDays and using the Twitter handle @_NNOCCI.
Some things you can do include:
Sharing this information with your networks as you think is appropriate
Follow, and encourage others to follow @_NNOCCI on Twitter.
Identify things that give you hope, in light of climate change. For example, consider sharing articles, information about groups or anecdotes from your experience that relate to engaging more people in productive climate conversations, actions helping to shape a carbon-free energy future.
Share your examples on social media using #100HopefulDays and #NNOCCI and @_NNOCCI as tags
Re-post other #100HopefulDays messages when they offer something that helps you to feel hopeful.
We intend to re-tweet many of these hopeful messages. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact me or NNOCCI Project Supervisor, Kait Birghenthal, at nnocci@neaq.org.
On behalf of the NNOCCI team, thanks for your support!
Billy Spitzer
New England Aquarium