Join us for a three-session (plus an optional fourth session) online course to explore how to make climate education and action integral to broader COVID recovery strategies in small towns and rural communities.
Informing, shepherding, organizing and sustaining climate action in rural communities can be a challenge at any time. To be sure, this is essential work with lots of rewards, but the challenges are undeniable. Now, with many rural communities facing COVID-19 health and economic disruptions, uncertainty about how to carry on business and community life safely, and looming budget cuts, we have heard rural climate leaders wondering how they can be part of a forward-thinking response that also addresses climate change.
Rural areas face their own challenges and bring their own strengths to the efforts to recover, rebuild, reimagine and become more resilient. Rural economies were the hardest hit by the 2008 recession and the slowest to recover. In many places, the compounding forces of race, poverty, and geographic isolation hit hard and could also be seen in the immediate and looming threats of climate change, even before the coronavirus pandemic put health, economic, and racial disparities in the spotlight.
This course will help you make climate and resiliency action integral to community recovery even if your town seems too small to make much of an impact or to take the reins; even if there is a lot of competition for time, attention and funds; and even if no one seems to know (or agree on) what to do next. With a focus on what we call “practical resilience,” this course will help you determine how your community can use its resources to prepare for, respond and withstand the twin challenges of COVID-19 and climate change, and at the same time build a better place to live for all of your residents.
Learn more and register at