Looking for a retired teacher or two now working on environmental issues to speak with a journalist | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Looking for a retired teacher or two now working on environmental issues to speak with a journalist

Hi! I am responding to a journalist who is writing an article for the NEA Today (National Education Association). He is looking to interview someone in our EE networks who is either a retired educator that is now teaching EE, or someone who works with students who are retired, or has volunteers who are retired educators. The idea would be to show retired teachers that one way to get involved in environmental causes (the theme) is to teach a class or take a class -- or support an environmental ed teacher or program as a volunteer.
He is trying to wrap up interviews as soon as possible. Please email me at stacie@naaee.org if you might be a good fit to speak with him or if you can put me in touch with someone who can help. Thank you!

Stacie Pierpoint (Communications Manager at NAAEE)