February 2020 Updates from the Affiliate Network Steering Committee | eePRO @ NAAEE

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February 2020 Updates from the Affiliate Network Steering Committee

Happy February!

I can’t believe we are already two months into 2020! It has certainly been a busy year already, especially for the Affiliate Network Steering Committee (ANSC).

In January the ANSC met at NAAEE’s Washington, DC office for a 2 ½ day planning retreat. During our time together, we explored some big questions about structure, governance, and culture for the ANSC and the Affiliate Network, in light of growing capacity, our commitment to equity, and the urgency of our collective work in EE. In February, we followed up on our discussions with some tangible next steps.

Here's a quick look at what the Steering Committee has decided so far in 2020:

1. To adopt a co-chair model for the ANSC, in which Eileen Everett and Sarah Bodor will share leadership.

2. To establish four ANSC working groups for the year, based on the key outcomes from our January retreat:
-Professional Development
-ANSC Practices and Culture
-ANSC Governance & Operating Procedures
-Network 2.0

Each of these groups will meet over the next few weeks to finizale work plans for 2020 and present them to the ANSC on our March Call. We will share those work plans with the network when they are finalized next month.

Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee is already hard at work in the early stages of planning the Affiliate strand for 2020 Conference. Be sure to check for the Affiliate Strand Call for Presentations (found here: http://bit.ly/3brSLed ). The Affiliate Strand is designed by Affiliates, for Affiliates, and is meant for content that meets the unique needs of EE associations in our network. This call for presentations is separate from the general call and will end March 31.

You can see the full notes from our meeting using the link below! If you have any questions or there is anything you would like the Steering Committee to discuss or if you have questions about how to get involved, send an email to Eileen (director@EEANM.org) or Sarah (sarah@naaee.org).

All the best!
Bruce Young, on behalf of the Affiliate Network Steering Committee