December update for the Affiliate Network Steering Committee | eePRO @ NAAEE

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December update for the Affiliate Network Steering Committee

Greetings Affiliate Leaders!

Wow, I cannot believe it's been two months since the conference! The Steering Committee has busy at work reflecting on learnings from the conference as well as planning for our upcoming retreat in early January which will be NAAEE's offices in Washington, D.C.

A link to our meeting notes is below and what we've mostly been in dialogue about is trying to figure out the big questions that need to be explored by Affiliates and NAAEE to help move the Network forward to be able to accomplish more. Here's a quick look at the questions we've drafted thus far:

1) What do we want the relationships between Affiliates, the Network, and NAAEE to be? What are the expectations we’re holding for one another?
2) How do we create guiding principles of the Network in the most inclusive way?
3) How do we balance the needs of individual Affiliates with the needs of a Network?
4) What kind of Network do we want to be (e.g. information sharing, collective impact)?
5) How do we make decisions as a Network? What kind of governance model do we want to have? What is the role of ANSC and how do we create operating procedures with an equity lens to reflect the answers to the previous questions?

Here's a link to the google doc where we keep notes from our monthly meetings:

Thank you all for everything you do to support the Affiliate Network!

Eileen Everett
Chair, Affiliate Network Steering Committee