connecting/including HS students in times of social distancing | eePRO @ NAAEE

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connecting/including HS students in times of social distancing

It seems that most all our social/civic structures of connecting with people have been either turned upside down or at the minimum shifted. We rely SO much on the school infrastructure/system to connect with, reach out to, advertise to, and include students in our programs. And with this changing so much how do we shift and find new ways to reach teens?

Specifically, I have a program for high school youth to engage in civic action, the Youth Water Leadership Program in the Upper CO River Basin (pretty rural huge geographic area) and if times were like last year, I would rely on reaching youth through schools and their teachers. How might we best get the attention of high school students who want to take action, want to learn, want to connect with others who want to take action? Where do we find them online?

All ideas, thoughts, further questions welcome. Let's get an active conversation going here. Thank you!

I've been thinking about some sort of tiktok project to connect teens who care about conservation locally. And maybe some sort of virtual teen summit?