Blog for Climate Change Education

ReNEW Schaumburg Elementary middle school 21CCLC students pause at a sandbar on a kayak trip to test for pollutants at the Bogue Falaya. Photo credit: Matt May.
ReNEW Schaumburg Elementary middle school 21CCLC students pause at a sandbar on a kayak trip to test for pollutants at the Bogue Falaya. Photo credit: Matt May.

In this eeBLUE Watershed Chronicles blog post, Polly Burns, Program Director at ReNEW Schools, and Dinah Maygarden, Director of the Coastal Education Program at the University of New Orleans, bring wetland and watershed science investigative projects to middle school students.

Scene of Coastal Camp field trip to Koheo Wetlands with four campers and one scientist.
Ornithologist Arleone Dibbin-Young assists Coastal Camp participants at the Koheo Wetlands as they explore the fragile coastal ecosystem. Photo Credit: Learning Endeavors

In this eeBLUE Watershed Chronicles blog post, Diana Papini Warren, Executive Director of Learning Endeavors shares how the Champions of Coastal Resilience program continues to grow in Hawaiʻi.

A photo of a family holding a whiteboard and thermometer in a forest clearing.
How does lake temperature change with depth—or does it? Families from Maury River MS (Lexington, VA) adapted aquatic thermometers to gauge temperature of lake water up to 50 feet deep. June data (gathered by CCLC students from MRMS) suggested temperature declined with depth, but the October family crews found constant temperature throughout the lake column—and enjoyed lively discussions about those findings. (Families Discover Lake Trends. Photo credit: Elise Sheffield)

This month's eeBLUE Watershed Chronicles blog post features Boxerwood Education Association, and the role of family learning in their new "Trail Blazers" program.

Illustration of person thinking

Great news! The deadline for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest for 6–12th grade public school classrooms has been extended to November 15. We know—it's a busy season. So here are some resources and guidance for your application.