Mangroves are sea life nurseries, protectors of coastal communities, and climate change heroes. What E-STEAM methodologies can we use to teach our students about mangrove forests?
Deadline: August 8. Do you know of an individual or organization that has accomplished great things in environmental education? You probably do! This is your chance to recognize the wonderful work of incredibly hardworking individuals and organizations for the benefit of the environment.
CEE-Change Fellow Lisa Yeager shares her own story of growth and problem-solving when she found her role as a zoo docent including difficult discussions.
The ocean and marine environment face many challenges, including overfishing, pollution, temperature increases, the introduction of invasive species, and more. The BLAKE New Zealand (NZ) Virtual Reality (VR) program was launched in 2019 to connect young people with oceans and the marine environment in order to promote ocean stewardship. Read about the BLAKE NZ-VR project in this new GEEP Case Study.
How do you address K–12 student social-emotional learning within climate change curriculum? Researchers at Oregon State University are surveying K–12 educators and school counselors to explore the practices and attitudes of addressing this important issue.
Youth-led action and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation are the focus of two programs at the National Wildlife Federation. Read how fieldwork and research are powering the students' next steps.
Parley for the Oceans is an organization that focuses on attacking the problem of plastic pollution in the oceans. In 2019 we started the environmental education project, “Fighting Marine and Coastal Plastic Pollution.” This project empowered students to gather information about the types of plastics that are being used in Cancún households, raise awareness about reducing plastic consumption and pollution, and measure the behavioral changes that this program activated across 103 households.
Florida students participating in award-winning OysterCorps gain aquaculture literacy and career confidence as they learn about the cultural and environmental importance of oysters in their own backyard.