Science/Art Communication Research Study - Participants Needed! | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Science/Art Communication Research Study - Participants Needed!

Reposting this for Kelly Stanford, a Science Communicator and Postgraduate Researcher at the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute. Kelly is running a masters research project looking at how card games and Sci-Art can be combined to help people understand issues around flooding and climate change.

She is looking for volunteers from any background and university departments to help test the game and provide feedback as part of a unique international study. It's easy and fun - just play the game and answer a short questionnaire afterwards. You get to play games and help science in the process!

Testing can either be done remotely (the cards are emailed over, the participants print them off and fill in an online version of the questionnaire) or on-site where University of Hull students facilitate a playtest event at your location (this would be on a first-come first-serve basis and depends on location).

If you want to take part in the study you can join via this signup page. Its free and participants will receive a free gift at the end.

If you have any questions, email Kelly at