2017 NAAEE Conference Proposals | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

2017 NAAEE Conference Proposals

It’s time, once again, to begin thinking of what you want to share with colleagues and gain from this year’s NAAEE Conference ! The request for proposals is open and details are at https://naaee.org/conference

Last year because of the ideas generated by many of you in this eePro group, we put together a dynamite Symposium “Using Story Telling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action”, a Roundtable session so that we could all get together and discuss our interests and desires for interacting with and learning with other climate change educators, and many of you submitted individual proposals. As a result there were exciting climate change sessions every day of the conference!

Please begin posting your ideas, questions, suggestions for this year – and get ready to draft individual and collaborative proposals for 2017! What do you most want to learn about, discuss, and share with others in October?

I just realized today that we're only 4 weeks from the deadline for submitting proposals for the Oct 18-21, 2017 NAAEE Conference!
I have submitted a proposal for a "Roundtable" session to enable all those of us involved in Climate Change Education to get together, share ideas, compare frustrations, and build alliances to facilitate and sustain our efforts.
I am looking for a few eePro colleagues who are going to the conference to work with me on this "Roundtable" as co-facilitators. If you would like to join me, please reply with your name, willingness to facilitate a small discussion group, and ONE sentence explaining WHO you engage in climate change education and the length/nature of your program.
I hope to hear from you soon... AND please remember to get YOUR conference presentation proposals in by April 10 !

Hi Karen,
I am new to this so have had some trouble navigating this site. I posted an opportunity for collaboration around climate change education as well. My colleague and I are looking to participate in a round table about climate change education -- we work with numerous community partners in our area on this issue and are involved currently in research on how to adapt climate change education to the specific needs of different neighborhoods, especially those with different types of vulnerabilities (socio-economic, bio-physical). We would love to participate in your roundtable if you think that is appropriate......

Hi, Rebecca
Thanks for writing! I'm delighted that you're planning to come to the conference and hope you'll continue to work on submitting proposals to both highlight your work AND engage in discussions/learning with others!! 2 things: (1) I found your recent post under "opportunities" - and I agree with the fact that it's not obvious what to do to find others for collaborating. I'm hoping that you might be able to move that post to "Discussion Thread" -- so that others get notices in their e-mail that you are looking for them! [My understanding of "opportunities" is that it's for posting things that people can apply for or participate in -- as opposed to open-ended invitations to collaborate/discuss/negotiate the content of a proposal.] (2) Please plan to submit a proposal that highlights your work -- either a poster or some other format -- so that people at the conference can become familiar with your programs/ideas/findings -- AND ALSO, continue to use eePro to find others who want to collaborate on a Symposium proposal re: Developing Neighborhood-based Climate Change Education Programs. Sounds like a good idea and one that I'd go to!

Hi Karen,
Hmmm.....I will try to figure out how to move the post. I have no idea and don't find the website very transparent - though it is certainly full of info!!
I thought about submitting a poster but it doesn't seem like an individual can submit a poster alone....it looks like you can only submit sessions, but I will check. Thanks!