Outdoor Environmental Educator

The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.

Deadline to Apply:

Monday, July 31, 2017, 11:45pm



Longbranch, WA
United States

Job Category:


Job Type:



Educators in the Outdoor Environmental Education Program at YMCA Camp Colman work to create an inclusive, low-risk environment in which individuals are empowered to discover their unique talents and strengths and encouraged to share those with their peers, their community and the environment.  Instructors teach a diverse student population in a variety of classes focused in Challenge Education, Environmental Sciences and Outdoor Skills.  In addition to facilitating programming for our residential school and weekend groups, instructors also have opportunities for professional development through creating passion projects, working in our organic garden, writing curriculum, feeding the animals at our Marine Center and participating in trainings for various industry certifications.  Members of our community wear many hats, including cleaning and maintenance and have the privilege of modeling responsibility, respect, honesty and caring in our day to day tasks.  Educators receive a daily stipend (DOE) in addition to room and board in communal housing on our beautiful 110 acres of forested, beach-front property located on the Puget Sound.  Educators begin mid-August 2017 and commit through mid-late November 2017 with spring employment opportunities available as well. 

How to Apply:

To apply please email Nicky Crummett at ncrummett@seattleymca.org with your resume and cover letter.  We look forward to hearing from you!