Youth & Family Programs Manager
The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.
Deadline to Apply:
Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 7:15am
Job Category:
Job Type:
The Youth and Family Programs Manager works closely with and under the direction of the Director of Education and manages the daily work of the Youth & Family Programs Coordinator, interns, volunteers, and contracted educators.
Working closely with the Director of Education, the incumbent will have the opportunity to:
- significantly expand and deepen current youth and family program opportunities. These opportunities include programs for K-12 community group and school group audiences.
- plan, develop, implement, maintain, and evaluate a comprehensive Education Department volunteer training and retention program.
- plan and develop educational facilities and a teaching garden as part of Olbrich’s expansion, development, and capital campaign.
For complete list of responsibilites, qualifications, and applications requirements, visit
How to Apply:
For complete list of responsibilites, qualifications, and application requirements, visit
Position Open Until Filled