Florida PLT GreenSchools Confernce
Florida PLT GS 2016 Conference Attendees

Florida PLT GreenSchools IndusTree and Nature Do Coexist Conference

The Florida PLT GreenSchools Conference, held Nov. 5-6 in West Palm Beach, Florida, was part of the FL Project Learning Tree program’s 2016 Model Program Initiative Grant, and aimed to expand the Green Schools program in Florida through a multi-day advanced professional development training. James McGirt from National PLT attended and presented. The conference had nearly 60 attendees including school administrators, college professors, PLT facilitators, teachers, and even college students. The conference, entitled “IndusTREE and Nature Do Coexist”, was held at the Solid Waste Authority (SWA) of Palm Beach County, one the nation’s first Platinum LEED waste operations, and at Pine Jog Environmental Education Center which has partnered with PLT GreenSchools. Participants toured the almost 5 miles of trails on the 300 acres of natural area at SWA Palm Beach Renewable Energy park used for biking, hiking, geocoaching, bird watching and photography.  The conference was a smashing success and used PLT GreenSchools investigations as a guiding lens for the lion’s share of hands-on conference activities.  One of the conference highlights was Bear Creek Educational Forest, Lori Nicholson, and Kay Henry being recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Florida PLT program at the conference award dinner. Kudos to the entire Florida PLT network for their outstanding leadership to promote Green Schools and a job well done.

By James Riley McGirt

Manager of PLT GreenSchools Program &

Co-Moderator NAAEE eePro Green Schools