National Association for Environmental Education (UK) NAEE
For the past 50 years NAEE has have been promoting all forms of environmental education, and supporting all those involved in its delivery, so that together we can understand and act on the need to live more sustainably in order to protect the future of our planet. Our charitable object is to provide a public benefit by advancing environmental education within early years settings, primary and secondary schools, and institutions responsible for teacher education within the UK and elsewhere.
We do this by:
- facilitating curriculum development through the provision of resources, information and ideas for teachers,
- providing financial support for pupils to visit outdoor education centres, and
- collaborating with organisations that have related objectives.
We publish a practitioner journal Environmental Education, which is available to members, with back numbers free to read on our website. The website has the following features: daily web watch links, regular blogs, social media output, environmental education feature articles, and book reviews: