AmeriCorps Service Member in Field Education

The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.

Deadline to Apply:

Monday, January 2, 2023, 2:00pm



Jackson, WY
United States

Job Category:

Americorps or Service Opportunity

Job Type:



The service term is split between TSS field education and project work with a partner organization local to Jackson, Wyoming. 

With TSS field education, the service term will progress through various stages of training, observation, co-teaching, planning and implementing place-based education programs for visiting students.

The other part of the term is a project with a local non-profit. The partner project provides an opportunity to serve with a local organization to help strengthen the Jackson community and meet the community’s needs. These projects range from program and curriculum development to analysis and research to social media content creation, and more. 

Room and board are provided as part of this position on the Jackson Campus of Teton Science Schools, and upon completion of the term, members will receive a Segal Education Award of $2626.27. 

Program Dates:

Winter 2023: January 19 - May 17

How to Apply:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, visit this link. Resume and Cover Letter are required.